growth factors

Fibroblast growth factors in the management of spinal cord injury



Spinal cord injury (SCI) possesses a significant health and economic burden worldwide. Traumatic SCI is a devastating condition that evolves through two successive stages. Throughout each of these stages, disturbances in ionic homeostasis, local oedema, ischaemia, focal haemorrhage, free radicals stress and inflammatory response were observed. Although there are no fully restorative cures available for SCI patients, various molecular, cellular and rehabilitative therapies, such as limiting local inflammation, preventing secondary cell death and enhancing the plasticity of local circuits in the spinal cord, were described. Current preclinical studies have showed that fibroblast growth factors (FGFs) alone or combination therapies utilizing cell transplantation and biomaterial scaffolds are proven effective for treating SCI in animal models. More importantly, some studies further demonstrated a paucity of clinical transfer usage to promote functional recovery of numerous patients with SCI. In this review, we focus on the therapeutic capacity and pitfalls of the FGF family and its clinical application for treating SCI, including the signalling component of the FGF pathway and the role in the central nervous system, the pathophysiology of SCI and the targets for FGF treatment. We also discuss the challenges and potential for the clinical translation of FGF‐based approaches into treatments for SCI.

growth factors

Cashew shell compound appears to mend damaged nerves


In laboratory experiments, a chemical compound found in the shell of the cashew nut promotes the repair of myelin, a team from Vanderbilt University Medical Center reports today in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

growth factors

Breakthrough for spinal injuries as Aberdeen university experts find new way to repair nerves


Scientists from the city have managed to regrow spinal nerves in rats after activating a molecule found in nerve cells by using their very own gel.

Dr Wenlong Huang, Dr Derryck Shewan and Dr Alba Guijarro-Belmar from Aberdeen University’s Institute of Medical Sciences found triggering a molecule called Epac2 led to “significant improvement” in the growth of nerves that been severed following injury.

growth factors

Breakthrough For Spinal Cord Injuries and Dementia as Protein Builds ‘Striking’ Repairs


A drug that repairs damage to the brain and spinal cord has been created by British scientists offering hope for new therapies that address a range of devastating conditions—from Alzheimer’s to epilepsy to paralysis.

growth factors

AXER-204 in Participants With Chronic Spinal Cord Injury (RESET)

Link – Clinical trial

Recruitment Status  : Recruiting

First Posted  : June 18, 2019

Last Update Posted  : January 18, 2020

Stem cells

Regeneration of Functional Neurons After Spinal Cord Injury via in situ NeuroD1-Mediated Astrocyte-to-Neuron Conversion


Spinal cord injury (SCI) often leads to impaired motor and sensory functions, partially because the injury-induced neuronal loss cannot be easily replenished through endogenous mechanisms. In vivo neuronal reprogramming has emerged as a novel technology to regenerate neurons from endogenous glial cells by forced expression of neurogenic transcription factors. We have previously demonstrated successful astrocyte-to-neuron conversion in mouse brains with injury or Alzheimer’s disease by overexpressing a single neural transcription factor NeuroD1. Here we demonstrate regeneration of spinal cord neurons from reactive astrocytes after SCI through AAV NeuroD1-based gene therapy. We find that NeuroD1 converts reactive astrocytes into neurons in the dorsal horn of stab-injured spinal cord with high efficiency (~95%). Interestingly, NeuroD1-converted neurons in the dorsal horn mostly acquire glutamatergic neuronal subtype, expressing spinal cord-specific markers such as Tlx3 but not brain-specific markers such as Tbr1, suggesting that the astrocytic lineage and local microenvironment affect the cell fate after conversion. Electrophysiological recordings show that the NeuroD1-converted neurons can functionally mature and integrate into local spinal cord circuitry by displaying repetitive action potentials and spontaneous synaptic responses. We further show that NeuroD1-mediated neuronal conversion can occur in the contusive SCI model with a long delay after injury, allowing future studies to further evaluate this in vivo reprogramming technology for functional recovery after SCI. In conclusion, this study may suggest a paradigm shift from classical axonal regeneration to neuronal regeneration for spinal cord repair, using in vivo astrocyte-to-neuron conversion technology to regenerate functional new neurons in the gray matter.

Scar mitigation

Chondroitinase ABC promotes functional recovery after spinal cord injury



The inability of axons to regenerate after a spinal cord injury in the adult mammalian central nervous system (CNS) can lead to permanent paralysis. At sites of CNS injury, a glial scar develops, containing extracellular matrix molecules including chondroitin sulphate proteoglycans (CSPGs)1,2. CSPGs are inhibitory to axon growth in vitro3,4,5, and regenerating axons stop at CSPG-rich regions in vivo6. Removing CSPG glycosaminoglycan (GAG) chains attenuates CSPG inhibitory activity7,8,9,10. To test the functional effects of degrading chondroitin sulphate (CS)-GAG after spinal cord injury, we delivered chondroitinase ABC (ChABC) to the lesioned dorsal columns of adult rats. We show that intrathecal treatment with ChABC degraded CS-GAG at the injury site, upregulated a regeneration-associated protein in injured neurons, and promoted regeneration of both ascending sensory projections and descending corticospinal tract axons. ChABC treatment also restored post-synaptic activity below the lesion after electrical stimulation of corticospinal neurons, and promoted functional recovery of locomotor and proprioceptive behaviours. Our results demonstrate that CSPGs are important inhibitory molecules in vivo and suggest that their manipulation will be useful for treatment of human spinal injuries.

Scar mitigation

Chondroitinase ABC Promotes Sprouting of Intact and Injured Spinal Systems after Spinal Cord Injury



Chondroitin sulfate proteoglycans (CSPGs) are inhibitory extracellular matrix molecules that are upregulated after CNS injury. Degradation of CSPGs using the enzyme chondroitinase ABC (ChABC) can promote functional recovery after spinal cord injury. However, the mechanisms underlying this recovery are not clear. Here we investigated the effects of ChABC treatment on promoting plasticity within the spinal cord. We found robust sprouting of both injured (corticospinal) and intact (serotonergic) descending projections as well as uninjured primary afferents after a cervical dorsal column injury and ChABC treatment. Sprouting fibers were observed in aberrant locations in degenerating white matter proximal to the injury in regions where CSPGs had been degraded. Corticospinal and serotonergic sprouting fibers were also observed in spinal gray matter at and below the level of the lesion, indicating increased innervation in the terminal regions of descending projections important for locomotion. Spinal-injured animals treated with a vehicle solution showed no significant sprouting. Interestingly, ChABC treatment in uninjured animals did not induce sprouting in any system. Thus, both denervation and CSPG degradation were required to promote sprouting within the spinal cord. We also examined potential detrimental effects of ChABC-induced plasticity. However, although primary afferent sprouting was observed after lumbar dorsal column lesions and ChABC treatment, there was no increased connectivity of nociceptive neurons or development of mechanical allodynia or thermal hyperalgesia. Thus, CSPG digestion promotes robust sprouting of spinal projections in degenerating and denervated areas of the spinal cord; compensatory sprouting of descending systems could be a key mechanism underlying functional recovery.

Scar mitigation

Therapeutic efficacy of microtube-embedded chondroitinase ABC in a canine clinical model of spinal cord injury



See Moon and Bradbury (doi:10.1093/brain/awy067) for a scientific commentary on this article.

Many hundreds of thousands of people around the world are living with the long-term consequences of spinal cord injury and they need effective new therapies. Laboratory research in experimental animals has identified a large number of potentially translatable interventions but transition to the clinic is not straightforward. Further evidence of efficacy in more clinically-relevant lesions is required to gain sufficient confidence to commence human clinical trials. Of the many therapeutic candidates currently available, intraspinally applied chondroitinase ABC has particularly well documented efficacy in experimental animals. In this study we measured the effects of this intervention in a double-blinded randomized controlled trial in a cohort of dogs with naturally-occurring severe chronic spinal cord injuries that model the condition in humans. First, we collected baseline data on a series of outcomes: forelimb-hindlimb coordination (the prespecified primary outcome measure), skin sensitivity along the back, somatosensory evoked and transcranial magnetic motor evoked potentials and cystometry in 60 dogs with thoracolumbar lesions. Dogs were then randomized 1:1 to receive intraspinal injections of heat-stabilized, lipid microtube-embedded chondroitinase ABC or sham injections consisting of needle puncture of the skin. Outcome data were measured at 1, 3 and 6 months after intervention; skin sensitivity was also measured 24 h after injection (or sham). Forelimb-hindlimb coordination was affected by neither time nor chondroitinase treatment alone but there was a significant interaction between these variables such that coordination between forelimb and hindlimb stepping improved during the 6-month follow-up period in the chondroitinase-treated animals by a mean of 23%, but did not change in controls. Three dogs (10%) in the chondroitinase group also recovered the ability to ambulate without assistance. Sensitivity of the dorsal skin increased at 24 h after intervention in both groups but subsequently decreased to normal levels. Cystometry identified a non-significant improvement of bladder compliance at 1 month in the chondroitinase-injected dogs but this did not persist. There were no overall differences between groups in detection of sensory evoked potentials. Our results strongly support a beneficial effect of intraspinal injection of chondroitinase ABC on spinal cord function in this highly clinically-relevant model of chronic severe spinal cord injury. There was no evidence of long-term adverse effects associated with this intervention. We therefore conclude that this study provides strong evidence in support of initiation of clinical trials of chondroitinase ABC in humans with chronic spinal cord injury.

Scar mitigation

Sustained delivery of thermostabilized chABC enhances axonal sprouting and functional recovery after spinal cord injury



Chondroitin sulfate proteoglycans (CSPGs) are a major class of axon growth inhibitors that are up-regulated after spinal cord injury (SCI) and contribute to regenerative failure. Chondroitinase ABC (chABC) digests glycosaminoglycan chains on CSPGs and can thereby overcome CSPG-mediated inhibition. But chABC loses its enzymatic activity rapidly at 37 °C, necessitating the use of repeated injections or local infusions for a period of days to weeks. These infusion systems are invasive, infection-prone, and clinically problematic. To overcome this limitation, we have thermostabilized chABC and developed a system for its sustained local delivery in vivo, obviating the need for chronically implanted catheters and pumps. Thermostabilized chABC remained active at 37 °C in vitro for up to 4 weeks. CSPG levels remained low in vivo up to 6 weeks post-SCI when thermostabilized chABC was delivered by a hydrogel-microtube scaffold system. Axonal growth and functional recovery following the sustained local release of thermostabilized chABC versus a single treatment of unstabilized chABC demonstrated significant differences in CSPG digestion. Animals treated with thermostabilized chABC in combination with sustained neurotrophin-3 delivery showed significant improvement in locomotor function and enhanced growth of cholera toxin B subunit–positive sensory axons and sprouting of serotonergic fibers. Therefore, improving chABC thermostability facilitates minimally invasive, sustained, local delivery of chABC that is potentially effective in overcoming CSPG-mediated regenerative failure. Combination therapy with thermostabilized chABC with neurotrophic factors enhances axonal regrowth, sprouting, and functional recovery after SCI.